Juliana Seng


Flutter Puzzle Hack

Developed for the Flutter Puzzle Hack challenge, this project uses Flutter and Rive animations to recreate the traditional slide puzzle. The application supports web, Android, Linux and Windows.
Submission: https://devpost.com/software/flutter-puzzle-hack-3sdug9
Web demo: https://hexcone.github.io/fph_build/

IoT Hacking: Attacking the Photon

The project examines the security aspects of a popular IoT device, the Particle Photon. With knowledge of the device ID and access token, it is possible to remotely flash the device firmware without overwriting the existing user application. After flashing an modified firmware, the project demonstrates a viable attack to compromise and retrieve its stored Wi-Fi passwords over the Internet. The full report can be found at http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~hugh/CS3235/PREVIOUSPROJECTS/CS3235-SemII-2015-16-Projects.pdf

To-do list: PaddleTask

Developed for CS2103 Software Engineering, PaddleTask is a desktop application that keep tracks of tasks and schedules. The application features use of hotkeys, search, tagging and reminder amongst others. The project also demonstrate concepts such as software development life cycle(sdlc), model-view-controller(mvc) architectural pattern and unit testing. Project homepage: https://github.com/cs2103aug2015-f10-3j/main

Orbital: Flying Banana

This project runs opencv on top of the popular consumer drone, the Parrot Bebop and uses facial detection to control the position of the drone and ultimately takes a photo (dronefie?) with everyone in the frame. The challenge was really to retrieve and reconstruct the frames from the Parrot Bebop initially due to the poor API documentation when the drone first released. Project homepage: https://github.com/hexcone/Samples/tree/master/Android/BebopDroneStreaming

Application Prototype for C2C Postal Delivery

Built as a sidekick to our report for IS1105 Strategic IT Applications, this application prototype seeks to transform the SingPost POPStation from a B2C to a C2C facility. View the full application prototype at https://invis.io/374MMQXFY#/109667127_01_Landing

Polytechnic Final Year Project: malwarelab

This project builds upon the Cuckoo Sandbox to perform analysis of malware artifacts. It performs conversion of a Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization (MAEC) report to Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) report.